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Latest News – Plan Adopted
Shopfront Design Guide
A Brief Introduction to Neighbourhood Plans
History of Hayle’s Neighbourhood Plan
Plan Adopted on 28 June 2018
Hayle’s Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by Cornwall Council with effect from 28 June 2018.
You can see the official paperwork and a copy of the plan on Cornwall Council’s website by clicking the following link: Hayle Neighbourhood Plan (cornwall.gov.uk)
Alternatively, a copy of the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan (with minor edits from 23 September 2018) is available to view and/or download here:
Hayle Neighbourhood Plan
Shopfront Design Guide
Cornwall Council approved a Cornwall Shopfront Design Guide on 15 September 2017.
A Hayle Shopfront Design Guide, which is Appendix 3 to the Cornwall Shopfront Design Guide, was produced as part of the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan.
A Brief Introduction to Neighbourhood Plans
What is a neighbourhood plan?
A neighbourhood plan:
- is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration and conservation of an area.
- is about the use and development of land and may contain a vision, aims, planning policies and proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities, or allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development.
- may deal with a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues (such as housing, employment, heritage and transport) or it may focus on just one or two issues. Issues may be relevant to the whole neighbourhood or just to part of the neighbourhood and it is up to those producing the plan to decide which issues should be covered.
- will be part of the statutory development plan for the area, if successful at referendum. This statutory status gives neighbourhood plans far more weight than some other local documents, such as parish plans, community plans and village design statements.
What are the benefits of a neighbourhood plan?
A neighbourhood plan:
- gives the local community control over development in the plan area.
- gives towns with an approved neighbourhood plan the right to receive 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charged to new buildings. This can be hundreds of thousands of pounds a year and can be spent on projects that benefit the community. (Towns without a neighbourhood plan would only receive 15% of the CIL.)
Who creates a neighbourhood plan?
The local town or parish council has the responsibility of convening the plan process and for submitting it for approval. The plan itself is community-led and must be approved by a town referendum before it is adopted.
History of Hayle’s Neighbourhood Plan
Work towards the development of a Hayle Neighbourhood Plan started officially at the full council meeting on 4 April 2013 when it was resolved to invite Cornwall Council officers and all town councillors to a meeting to discuss the possibility of producing a plan.
The first of the informal neighbourhood plan meetings took place on 27 June 2013; on 17 October 2013 the town council resolved to produce a neighbourhood plan and to notify Cornwall Council of its intention.
The inaugural Neighbourhood Plan Committee meeting was held on 24 October 2013 and the first meeting of the working party took place on 29 October 2013, which members of the public and all councillors had been encouraged to attend.
At the full council meeting of 17 April 2014 the Neighbourhood Plan Committee was disbanded and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) was formed with (now former) Councillor John Bennett as Chair. The terms of reference for the NPSG were adopted by the town council on 17 April 2014 and the most recent terms can be read here.
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
The NPSG had the responsibility for getting the plan through all the required steps to ensure that the end result reflected the views of the entire community, operated according to its terms of reference and at the adoption of the plan was made up of five town councillors, six members of the public (two of whom were former councillors and mayors) and one Cornwall Council officer (also a resident of Hayle).
Anyone with an interest in the plan was welcome to attend meetings and to contribute.
Plan Progress
On 7 May 2014 a Facebook page dedicated to the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan was set up and a webpage was also created and the first public consultation took place over the summer of 2014. In March 2015 the second round of public consultation was launched via the Vision, Aims and Objectives Questionnaire, followed by the policies consultation survey in April 2016.
The first draft of the neighbourhood plan was approved by the town council on 16 June 2016 and the pre-submission version was approved on 20 July 2017. On 19 October 2017 the town council approved the final draft of the plan and it was submitted to Cornwall Council for review and independent examination on 14 November 2017.
On 24 May 2018 the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan went to a public referendum, which asked registered electors in the Hayle parish to vote YES or NO to the following question:
Do you want Cornwall Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hayle to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Referendum Result
The results were declared at 11.30pm on 24 May 2018 by the deputy counting officer Sharon Richards as follows:
There were 1358 votes cast out of an electorate of 7071 for a turnout of 19.2%.
YES votes: 1214 – 89.4%
NO votes: 142 – 10.5%
Spoiled: 2 – 00.1%
The official Declaration of Result of Poll – Hayle can be found here.
The percentage of YES votes was the 4th highest out of 17 referendums (correct at 25 May 2018).
Adoption of the plan by Cornwall Council
The Hayle Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by Cornwall Council with effect from 28 June 2018.
The Final Hayle Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan:
The Independent Inspector’s Report:
The Pre-Submission Hayle Neighbourhood Plan
The Submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan incorporates the comments raised during the Regulation 14 consultation from:
Members of the public
Statutory consultees
Cornwall Council department officers
The Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version:
The Neighbourhood Plan showing edits since the Pre-Submission version:
The Consultation Statement listing all of the elements of consultation that were undertaken:
The Basic Conditions Statement explains how the plan fits into the planning system and complies with the law:
The following document lists all of the responses received during the Regulation 14 consultation. It also identifies the actions that were taken:
The Strategic Environmental Assessment assesses the impact of our policies on the environment:
The Evidence Statement references the sources that were used in creating the plan:
The Regulation 16 Consultation closed on 11 January 2018 and the Plan documents, together with the comments received, were forwarded to the Independent Inspector for her review and report.
The documents referenced by the Evidence Statement are:
Hayle Neighbourhood Plan Maps in High Resolution
The following are maps which accompany the Neighbourhood Plan. These are large files:
The Strategic Environmental Assessment
A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a mechanism for considering and communicating the impacts of an emerging plan, and potential alternatives in terms of key environmental issues. The aim of an SEA is to inform and influence the plan-making process with a view to avoiding and mitigating negative impacts. Through this approach, the SEA for the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan seeks to maximise the developing plan’s contribution to sustainable development.
An SEA is undertaken to address the procedures prescribed by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (the SEA Regulations). The Hayle Neighbourhood Plan was screened in by Cornwall Council to require an SEA. To meet this requirement the Neighbourhood Plan underwent an SEA process which incorporated the requirements of the SEA Directive.
Two key procedural requirements of the SEA Regulations are that:
- A report (the ‘Environmental Report’) is published for consultation alongside the Draft Plan that presents an appraisal of the Draft Plan (ie discusses ‘likely significant effects’ that would result from plan implementation) and reasonable alternatives; and
- When deciding on ‘the scope and level of detail of the information’ which must be included in the Environmental Report there is a consultation with nationally designated authorities concerned with environmental issues.
Guidance on Neighbourhood Plans
A great introduction to the Neighbourhood Planning Process:
Lots of clear detail on the whys and hows of Neighbourhood Planning:
How to shape where you live
Results of the Aims and Objectives Survey
Available in the following documents:
23 June 2015 Survey Results
Additional Hayle NP Documents
Policy Creation:
28 Sep 2015 Cornwall Local-Plan-Proposed-Submission-Policies Only
The Cornwall Local Plan with only the proposed policies – for easier cross-referencing:
22 July 2015 Policy Gist Document – Marked Up
22 July 2015 Steering Group Meeting Notes
22 July 2015 Steering Group Meeting Agenda
Consultant Reports:
12 May 2016 AECOM:
Vision and Objectives Process:
20150523 NP Panels-reduced
20150523 Open Day A6 Postcards
01 September Draft Hayle NP Generating Objectives
20 August 2014 Draft Aims Paper
14 August 2014 Hayle-Visioning-Process-schematic
14 August 2014 Hayle-Draft-Neighbourhood-Plan-Framework-draft
Consultation Round 1:
8 August 2014 How Do You Rate the Environment
8 August 2014 How Satisfied Are You With Hayle Housing
8 August 2014 How Do You Rate The Sense of Community
8 August 2014 Three Things You Like About Hayle
8 August 2014 Three Things You Would Like To Change About Hayle
The following important document lists a variety of factual information that will form the evidence base for producing policies:
Considering Development Potential and Options for Allocating Development Sites in Hayle, 27 May 2014:
Considering-Development-Potential-in-Hayle-Neighbourhood-Plan-27-05-14 DRAFT
Exploring the interface between the emerging Cornwall Local Plan – Strategic Policies (Proposed Submission) and the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan (Local Policies) – including Appendix 1:
Appendix 2: Penwith Local Plan 2004 – Current Saved Policies:
Wildlife Resource Map:
Exploring the interface between the emerging Cornwall Local Plan and the World Heritage Site Management Plan – Draft:
Maps of the Hayle Parish:
Hayle-North Map
Hayle-South Map
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG)
Here are the Terms of Reference for the NPSG:
Presentation to Organisations on 28 May 2014:
Other Supporting Data
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site, Management Plan 2013-2018:
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Management Plan 2013-2018
WHS Management Plan Appendices:
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Management Plan 2013-2018 Appendices
Hayle Town Framework:
02 Hayle and St Ives Community Network Area
Cornwall Council Data:
The Towans Partnership:
Market and Coastal Towns Initiative (MCTi 2006):
06 4160-Hayle-Area-Plan 2
Health, Environment, Walking and Cycling:
Sustrans handbook for cycle-friendly design 11 04 14s
Scientific, Research and Other Reports: