Hayle Community Action Group (formerly the Town Team) is a group of local residents who are interested in improving Hayle and its surrounding area. We’re doers. We don’t just want to talk about change we want to make things happen.
We work on a variety of projects from exploring ways to improve the green spaces in the town to looking at ways to connect the business community and developing events for the people of the town.
The group is positive and proactive and works collaboratively with Hayle Town Council to improve the town. Hayle Community Action Group is inclusive and open to everyone – businesses, residents, community groups and anyone keen to have a go.
Hayle Community Action Group is:
- About improving our town
- Positive and proactive
- Action-focussed
- Apolitical
- Inclusive and open to all
- By the community, for the community
- Creative, innovative and fun!
It is not:
- About promoting a group or interest
- Negative and reactionary
- Just about talking
- Just for particular people or groups
- Overly formal, stuffy or hierarchical
Hayle Community Action Group is looking for people to be part of the group who are interested in getting involved and making things happen in Hayle. You can commit as much or as little time as you like. The next meeting will take place in January. Date and venue to be confirmed.