Hayle Action Plan

We are pleased to publish our seven-year action plan.

In creating a new seven-year action plan, we were keen to ensure that it was built from the ground up with community input. Initially we held a couple of ‘in-house’ workshops where elected members and employees participated and agreed what they felt was needed in the town, for its community. These sessions were quickly followed by a ‘Vision for Hayle’, which comprised a series and variety of public consultation events and online surveys which gave residents an opportunity to feed into the process and share their aspirations for Hayle. This work was commissioned by Hayle Town Council, in partnership with Hayle Community Action Group (formerly Hayle Town Team), and proved to be vitally important in preparing for an action plan.

The gleaned information guided the Council to develop some strategic aims and a series of objectives which set out what we would seek to achieve by 2030 to meet the needs of the community. The Visioning work has now also played an instrumental role in developing a Masterplan for Hayle, which is being led by Hayle Community Action Group.

Hayle Town Council’s Action Plan was formally adopted at the Annual Council in May 2023. It will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the Council is on target and continues to meet the needs of Hayle and its community.

Access the action plan here: HTC Action Plan

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