

Graffiti is illegal, spoil both public and private property and can be very costly to remove.

It is a criminal offence and can carry large fines given out by magistrates, or up to an £80 fixed penalty notice issued by the local authority or police. If you see anyone applying graffiti, you should report it to:

  • Cornwall Council using the online reporting form below:

Forms (

  • Devon & Cornwall Police

Please note, Hayle Town Council can only remove graffiti from council owned and/or managed land and buildings.

Removal of graffiti from telephone boxes, bus shelters, electricity boxes, etc, is the responsibility of the company that owns them.

It is the landowner’s responsibility to clean graffiti on their private property.



Prevent graffiti on your property:

To help prevent graffiti appearing on your property you could:

  • install security measures to prevent access for graffiti vandals. This could include nightlights, locks, fences, and even CCTV.
  • The quicker graffiti is removed the less likely vandals will strike again.

How to remove graffiti:

Wipe it out:

Most graffiti is made by either a permanent marker pen or paint spray from a can. It is often easier to remove new graffiti before it has had a chance to dry.

Brush it out:

A simple solution to graffiti on wood and painted surfaces is to paint over the top. For best results the graffiti should first be scrubbed or even primed (especially when the graffiti is dark). Anti-graffiti paints are available which make graffiti removal a lot easier.

Scrub it off:

Graffiti on non-porous surfaces can often be scrubbed off using a strong detergent and lots of elbow grease. Non-porous surfaces include:

  • sound masonry paint
  • tiles
  • shiny bricks
  • glossy paints

It is likely that traces of graffiti will remain, but this may fade or be painted over.

Stubborn graffiti:

Stubborn graffiti can be removed with the help of specific removal products. The success of removal very much depends on the surface involved. Read the instructions before using any of these products. You may wish to use a specialist company listed in the local phone directory under graffiti removers or painting contractors.

Useful Contacts:

Community and Environmental Protection

Public Protection
Cornwall Council
PO Box 676

0300 1234 212

Further information:

Flyposting and graffiti on public property – Cornwall Council

Graffiti on private property – Cornwall Council

Other recent articles:

Town Council Sites/Services

Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

Report to Cornwall Council

Report a problem/ask a question concerning the following: Housing, benefits, council tax, street lights, highways/footpath issues, general planning issues, waste collection, fly-tipping, street trading, licensing, environmental health, parking, fire safety. Find out more