
Hayle Town Council recognises the need to provide information in such a way that is accessible to all, regardless of ability.

This website has been developed in such a way as to separate the content from presentational elements, which makes it easier for users accessing this website using technologies such as screen readers or text only web browsers.

Text/Font Size

As this website has been constructed using HTML/CSS relative units (as opposed to fixed size fonts) you will be able to use your browser’s in-built accessibility functions to change the size of the fonts/text used throughout this website.

Visit for a detailed explanation of how to increase the font size of this website.


Where possible, ‘ALT’ tags have been used to accurately describe the content of an image so as to make the information available to those visitors using screen readers and text only web browsers.


For those users wanting to view the website in a different language, you can view the website using Google Translate a free service that will translate each page as you browse through our website.

W3C / WAI Level AA Accessibility

Inline with Government requirements, this website aims to adhere to the W3C’s guidelines on accessibility to WAI Level AA wherever possible.

Town Council Sites/Services

Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

Report to Cornwall Council

Report a problem/ask a question concerning the following: Housing, benefits, council tax, street lights, highways/footpath issues, general planning issues, waste collection, fly-tipping, street trading, licensing, environmental health, parking, fire safety. Find out more

Council Corner News

Published in the bi-monthly Hayle Pump Newsletter
Find out more