Local Council Foundation Award Presentation

We are delighted to announce that Hayle Town Council has received the Foundation Award under the Local Council Award Scheme administered by the National Association of Local Councils.
This demonstrates that Hayle Town Council achieves good practices in governance, community engagement and council improvement. The award shows that we have gone above and beyond the legal obligations. The Council lead the community and continuously seek opportunities to improve and develop even further.
The Award Scheme report congratulated the Council on a ‘first class application with a fantastic website’.
The Local Council Award Scheme is a peer assessed programme that has been designed to both provide the tools and encouragement to those councils at the beginning of their improvement journeys, as well as promoting and recognising councils that are at the cutting edge of the sector. It is through the sector working together to share best practice, drive up standards and supporting those who are committed to improving their offer to their communities that individual councils and the sector as a whole will reach its full potential.
In terms of the future, the council is now reviewing ways in which it can keep on improving its offer to the local community and welcomes input from local people and partners on this. Hayle Town Council, and other local councils like it, are at the front line of the government’s localism agenda and are doing as much as they can to deliver services whilst being efficient and cost-effective. Currently the council provides a range of services to name a few from community buildings, library and associated activities, the outdoor swimming pool, Hayle Recreation Ground and several other public sites and gardens, allotments, cemetery and public realm CCTV.
The team will be looking to achieve Quality or even Gold, after the next elections when we hope to have sufficient elected members to meet that criteria.
Last night Sarah Mason, CEO, of Cornwall Association of Local Councils attended our meeting and presented the Deputy Mayor Cllr June Lawrenson- Reid. Also in the picture are Cllrs Tim Carey, Brian Capper, Jeremy Martin, and Committee Clerk Matilda Costello and Town Clerk Eleanor Giggal-Hollis. However, not everyone could be present for the photograph and it should be recognised that this was a whole team effort.
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Town Council Sites/Services

Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

Report to Cornwall Council

Report a problem/ask a question concerning the following: Housing, benefits, council tax, street lights, highways/footpath issues, general planning issues, waste collection, fly-tipping, street trading, licensing, environmental health, parking, fire safety. Find out more