Hayle Master Plan – Opportunity to quote

On behalf of Hayle Community Action Group, Hayle Town Council is the responsible authority looking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified consultancy to produce a holistic integrated, illustrative master plan of projects and schemes for the town of Hayle over the next 10 years. We require a mix of disciplines including spatial zoning, masterplanning, urban design and regeneration. This document is vital for future funding bids to support place shaping work in Hayle, so it is essential that the work captures the opinions and aspirations of those who live, study and work in Hayle and consideration is given to placeshaping documents already produced by Hayle Town Council.

The Main Objectives are:

  • To create an integrated spatial masterplan for the whole of the town centre to support coordinated transformational change in line with the community’s vision and objectives for Hayle.
  • To outline movement and accessibility, the function and quality of public and green spaces and how these should be influenced by the masterplan.
  • To review the existing uses and assets, how they function and relate to one another, and how improvements or new opportunities could be created in the town centre.
  • To work with Hayle Community Action Group (HCAG) and Hayle Town Council (HTC) to understand requirements.

We are inviting quotes for this piece of work.  For further information and to request the brief explaining the background for the work and submission information, please contact info@hayletowncouncil.net.  The deadline for quotes is 13:00 on Thursday 13th April 2023.

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