Hayle Library and Information Service up to date opening hours on click and collect

Hayle Library and Information Service is managed by Hayle Town Council, supported by Cornwall Council.

Cornwall’s Libraries are now able to offer book services again by welcoming you at the door but not any further just yet. Order your books online, then go to your nominated library to collect them from the lobby or entrance. You can also return items, with no fines until 30 September. Regular library activities such as story-time sessions will have to wait until we can fully reopen. They can’t go ahead until it is safe. Please keep an eye on our social posts and publicity.

All online services continue. These include:


Day Times
Monday 9:30am-5.00pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9:30am-5.00pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30am-5.00pm
Saturday 9.30am-12.30pm

Please note the library is closed between 1pm and 2pm.

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Town Council Sites/Services

Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

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