If you or someone you know, is unable to or concerned about leaving the house because of the Coronavirus, there are groups and people to help.
This information aims to signpost you to services to help you get the food, essential medicine, support and/or the friendly chat you may need.
Or follow this link to view the whole leaflet distributed to residents of Hayle:
Hayle Town Council Covid-19 Information Leaflet
Remember, you are not
Social Change offering one free 30-minute session with counsellor
01736 364722
Council Tax 0300 1234 171
Cornwall Housing
Advice on rent payments etc, risk of being homeless or already homeless
0300 1234 161
Citizens Advice Bureau
03444 111444 – Mon- Fri 10am- 4pm
For debt enquiries text DEBT to 78866. For all other enquiries text ADVICE to 78866. They will call you back within 48 hours, excluding weekends.
Other useful links:
Public Health England:
World Health Organisation:
Cornwall Council:
The Town Council office, Community Centre and Library are currently closed. However, all calls and emails are being dealt with by staff, during regular office hours. Please do not hesitate to get in touch. Town Councillors continue to be available and their contact details can be found on the town council website. The website will be updated with the latest news.
01736 755005
Just a word of caution; please be careful about letting strangers into your home, and certainly don’t give them cash or bank cards to purchase things on your behalf. Please be careful to protect yourself at all times. Ask for ID and only trust people you know or that you have contacted through a recognised organisation.
Please also note that in case of an emergency dial 999, and if you are unable to speak for any reason dial 55 and your call will be forwarded to the Police.
Volunteer Cornwall If you or know of anyone who is self-isolating and in need of support with shopping, collecting prescriptions etc
contact 01872 265300 or
Community Kitchen has been established by disAbility Cornwall in conjunction with the Cornish Oven and Hayle Rugby Club, for those residents who are older, potentially vulnerable or are self-isolating. They can deliver hot meals such as soup, pasties and stews for £2 a meal, to Hayle, St Erth, Connor Downs and surrounding areas on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Contact details: 01736 759500
disAbility Cornwall has opened its DIAL advice line to anyone. It is open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. If you need information, advice or are feeling a little isolated and in need of a chat, or perhaps require practical support such as shopping or collecting medication, they will endeavour to help. Their friendly and professional advisers are there to help and they will source the support you need.
Contact details: 01736 759500
A Covid-19 community support website has been developed by Age UK Hayle Food Bank Emergency food for local people. If you don’t have a referral or voucher, a Universal Credit letter will suffice at this time; they want to ensure no one in Hayle goes hungry. Home delivery can be arranged.
Cornwall and Made Open Communications. It is part of the Inclusion Matters Partnership.
If you do not have access to the internet, the information from the site is also available via the Inclusion Matters Helpline on 01872 266383 during business hours.
Hayle Town Council is not a front-line provider but recognises that isolation, increased stress levels, concerns about money and work and being in a confined space can all affect your mental health, well-being and relationships. If you are concerned about yourself or someone else there are a number of services are available.
Volunteer Cornwall Befriending Line
Phone service providing someone
friendly to talk to. For anyone who
is feeling socially isolated or has
social contact. 01872 266 988
24-hour emotional support for anyone who needs to talk 116 123
Free, safe and anonymous online chat service providing counselling and emotional well-being support for young people.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Offers telephone, email and online
support for anyone who has
experienced a loss 0808 808 1677
Cornwall Domestic Abuse (Refuge)
24hr Helpline on 01872 225629
Domestic Abuse
24hr National domestic abuse hotline 0808 2000 247
Childline 0800 1111
Hayle Family Hub
Offering support to all families
01209 310000
Cornwall Council Contact for anything related to Covid 19- help/information/advice/reporting
01872 266383