Mayor Councillor Clive Polkinghorne opens Hayle Open Air Swimming Pool for the Summer 2019 season..

Mayor Councillor Clive Polkinghorne opens the Swimming Pool for the summer season

Hayle Open Air Swimming Pool opened its gates on Saturday 25 May 2019 for the Whitsun Bank Holiday weekend and the half-term holiday week. Thankfully the weather was kind and it did not take the regular swimmers long to get into the water! First in this year was Pam Stevens who has used the pool on a daily basis for nearly 30 years! (Pictured) After the half-term break, the pool will open at weekends only until it opens daily from 29 June 2019. The regular opening hours are from 11 am to 6 pm, weather permitting, until Sunday 8 September 2019. Entrance prices have not been increased for the seventh year in a row and once again season tickets will be available to purchase from the pool. The opening of the Hayle Pool for the summer season was also the perfect opportunity for the launch of the new The Lido Guide, which is a user guide to all the publicly accessible pools currently open for business in the UK and the Channel Islands and features both Hayle Pool and Penzance’s Jubilee Pool. One of the book’s authors, Emma Pusill, was present to promote and sign the book. Photos supplied by Tobi Carver First photo – Lifeguard Jasmine Collins, Mayor and Mayoress – Clive and Sue Polkinghorne, Pam Stevens – long term supporter and regular user of the pool, not sure of next lady but a regular swimmer, Deputy Mayor Steve Benney, Emma Pusill – one of the authors of The Lido Guide, Senior Lifeguard Joe Tenbeth. Children all regular users – no names


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Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

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