Hayle Town Council Co-option of Town Councillor
The Town Council currently has ONE vacancy in the North Ward. No request has been received for an election and, therefore, the Town Council invites parishioners to consider offering themselves for co-option. Applicants should read the following criteria before putting themselves forward.
(a) be aged 18 years or over;
(b) be a British citizen, a citizen of the Irish Republic, or a citizen of a member state of the European Union;
(c) be registered as a local government elector for the parish, OR
a person who (i) has during the whole of the last twelve months occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the parish; OR (ii) has during the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in the parish; OR (iii) has during the same period resided in the parish or within three miles (4.8km) thereof.
(a) he/she has, within five years before his/her co-option, or since his/her co-option, been convicted of crime, and has had passed upon him/her a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of not less than three months without the option of a fine; OR
(b) he/she has been adjudged bankrupt, or made a composition or arrangement with his creditors; OR
(c) he/she holds any paid office or employment (other than the office of Chairman or Vice-Chairman) the appointment to which is made or confirmed by the parish council; OR
(d) he/she is disqualified under the provisions relating to corrupt or illegal practices (LGA 1972, s80(1), as amended by LGFA, 1982).
CANDIDATES FOR CO-OPTION should write to the Clerk to the Council at Hayle Community Centre, 58 Queensway, Hayle, TR27 4NX, briefly describing reasons for their interest, by no later than noon on Friday 22 March 2019. Candidates will be invited to attend an interview on the evening of Thursday 28 March 2019. Potential candidates wishing further information should also contact the Clerk to the Council at the above address, by email to townclerk@hayletowncouncil.net or telephone 01736 755005.
27 February 2019