Butterfly Survey Training

As part of its Summer Programme the Friends of the Towans invite you to come and learn about how to monitor butterflies, under the expert guidance of Dick Goodere from Cornwall Butterfly Conservation.  It is hoped that you will then feel able to start up your own regular recording on the Towans.

Meet 10.00am at Gwithian Church hall, next to the church.  Training starts with an indoor presentation, then moves to Upton to test your new-found knowledge.

If you do plan to attend please contact Martin Rule, Towans Ranger, by text, phone on 07854 123877 or email martinrule@talktalk.net.

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Hayle Town Council manages Hayle Community Centre, Hayle Outdoor Swimming Pool, Lethlean Lane Allotments, Public Conveniences, Hayle Recreation Ground, King George V Memorial Walk, Jubilee Path, The Millpond (not the play area), The Plantation and other small pockets of green land. Find out more

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